Book Review: The Book of Charlie

A swift summer read I just wrapped up helped refocus and frame the concept of time. Thinking long term is one of my favorite activities. While none of us know when our time on God's green earth is up, we all have today's presence to grasp.…

Ways to Start

Two particular conversations and podcasts I keep thinking about revolve around starting things. Each one has a simple brilliance in them and both come from successful entrepreneurs: Nate Hybl of Gusto! and Nat Turner of Collectors. Nate Hybl’s story is one of reinventing himself, following his heart, and having…

Study the Greats: Lyndon Johnson's Obsession

Maybe it's because I re-picked up Kobe Bryant's Mamba Mentality my brother gave me a few Christmases ago, but there's been a re-occurrence of studying greatness, whether from a historical figure or a contemporary one. One of Bryant's mantras was study the…

Obvious Insights, Not Easily Seen

Last week at the Atlanta Ventures' lunch table, we went around sharing what we’re professionally most excited about over the next 12 months. I was one of the last to answer and had the comfort of time for my response. My basic response came out with: “finding obvious…

And The Walls Came Tumbling Down - Book Review

Throughout February, I dove into the life and legacy of one of the Civil Rights Movement's most understated lieutenants: Ralph David Abernathy. As a WWII veteran, Ralph is part of the venerable Americans who made up the Greatest Generation. He thought independently. He was principled. He was also…

Leadership & Kissinger

Most mornings I’ll drive my kids to school, head down Monroe and take a left on Ponce de Leon. At the corner, we’ve all enjoyed observing the newest Chick-fil-a being constructed, with each day spotting an addition or enhancement from the day before. The sign on the chain-link…

Time for Meetup 2.0

Last week Dave Payne put on LinkedIn a list of “25 hyperlocal startup ideas” generated from ChatGPT. The overall list was a fun thought-exercise as discovering new markets to start companies is extremely difficult. One of the ideas on the list sparked this post. #17 on the list is: An…